This is a question I often hear when I’m starting to work with a client. Having a live scribe capture the discussion/presentation during the event is awesome, but can the visuals continue to bring value? How can we use them afterwards?
Here’s a great idea that a recent client came up with: create a little booklet to send to participants as a summary of the event. It’s a memory aid that keeps the engagement fresh.

In March 2023, Missouri Foundation for Health hosted the Diverting to Care in Communities convening. The purpose of the convening was to bring together stakeholders from throughout Missouri to explore strategies to improve outcomes for those experiencing emergencies related to mental health and/or substance abuse.

One of the key themes for the day was Messaging and Mindsets. I visually captured this small group work as attendees worked to identify the common beliefs that make it difficult to reimagine mental health and substance abuse emergencies, and they discussed communication strategies for challenging them.
Then participants reflected on what it would look like to center care before, during, and/or after a mental health emergency. Then they wrote a new story to reflect this reality.
This work was summarized in a clever booklet made from thick stock that included key takeaways and action opportunities, and illustrated with the boards I drew during the session.