
HOW Design Live 2019 Julia Reich Interaction Wall Graphic Recording Stone Soup Creative

Live from HOW Design 2019

HOW Design Live is one of the largest annual gatherings of creative professionals in the world. In the past I’ve been an attendee and a speaker, but this year in Chicago I made a special appearance in the Expo Hall by doing live graphic recording. At an “Interaction Wall” I captured attendees’ thoughts in response…

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2019 concerns (aka new year resolutions)

Increasing the value of visual note-taking

Heading into the new year, I have two concerns: one professional, one personal. Call them resolutions, if you will: How can I continue to use large-scale visual note-taking to channel my passion for helping people enjoy meetings more, and increase the value clients receive when they hire me? Give me all the carbs: Flying in…

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Your Design Is Full of CRAP

How to use the four principles of graphic design to create images that engage audiences and make your organization look good As a 20+-year professional veteran of the graphic design field – most often working with nonprofits – I believe an organization’s marketing materials need no, require good design. In my experience good graphic design has…

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Julia Reich in the IBJ 2018 Innovation Issue

Julia Reich featured in the Indianapolis Business Journal’s 2018 Innovation Issue

2018 Innovation Issue: Visual outlines become more popular note-taking tool Originally published online June 1, 2018 by Lindsey Erdody “Drawing your notes: visual note-taking is a #businessinnovation”, claims the Indianapolis Business Journal > @juliareich @Indianapolisbiz  “It’s better for your memory when you’re pairing an image with text.” @juliareich @Indianapolisbiz “Visual note-taking can work in nearly any industry and in…

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minimal cat art

30-day minimalist cat drawing challenge

For 30 consecutive days during Nov–Dec 2017 I drew a minimal cat picture using a 9-in x 12-in sketchpad and a black sharpie. (It wasn’t always easy since I was looking at a small cell phone screen and usually had cats and a dog trying to climb all over me.)  Then I posted the original photo +…

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design thinking sketchnotes

The MFA plan v2.0

Exciting update to my grad school MFA (Master of Fine Arts) plans (see Why I decided to go back to school at age 48): I’ve enrolled in the NEW #designthinking for innovation and collaboration certificate program at Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis. Hopefully I’ll get a bunch of credits transferred to Indiana State University. With apologies to my ISU…

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