
The appealing accessibility of simple scribbles

“Shit is bleak“ Humor is often used to poke fun at tragic or depressing events. Good-natured comedy can help us cope with a negative situation.  Take this Onion headline parodying the sober subject of climate change, for example, or this screenshot from comedian Marie Faustin’s pandemic-themed skit. What could be less funny than killer virus…

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Centric Indiana Day of Innovation Visual Thinking Strategies for Change

Centric Indiana’s Day of Innovation 2019: Visual Thinking Strategies for Change

In 2019 I had the pleasure of leading a workshop at the Day of Innovation at Butler University, Indiana’s full day innovation event that brings together leaders and practitioners from all sectors and backgrounds, hosted by Centric Indiana. The conference theme was The Power of Together: Diversity, Inclusion, Collaboration and Team Building for Innovation. It…

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doggo lingo infographic

Doggo Lingo: a visual ‘dog talk’ dictionary infographic

Inspired by my muse – my bulldog Violet – I created this Doggo Lingo infographic (and a few animated GIFs, just for fun). What is Doggo Lingo? It’s how dogs “talk” online, of course!   If you are interested in: 1. Live sketchnoting  OR 2. Illustrated infographics, like this one – – I’ll happily be there to make your next event,…

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2020 Gift Guide for Visual Thinkers

The 2020 Gift Guide for Visual Thinkers

Is there a visual learner in your life that you’d like to encourage or support? Or maybe you wish to engage a group you work with by using visuals?  Here is a curated list of ten fun, practical and unique art supplies, tools, books, and other gift ideas for a variety of age ranges, for…

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