
The revolution will be visual

The revolution will be visualized

Visual thinking for the resistance In times like these we can both feel despair and take action. There’s a spectrum of responses ranging from calling our political representatives; to silently holding signs of protest during the SOTU; to actual noisy, messy, in-person large-crowd protests. For the purpose of communicating information on the cultural and political…

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HIGOL associate consultant in branding and marketing for nonprofit organizations

An exciting new role as an associate consultant at HIGOL

I’m thrilled to announce I’ve joined the amazing team at HIGOL (High Impact Growth Oriented Leaders), a boutique consulting practice that works with CEOs and team leaders of high performing nonprofit organizations. As an associate consultant I’ll be drawing on 20+ years of experience helping nonprofit organizations gain visibility and support by uncovering their authentic brand through…

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5 signs your brand strategy soars

5 signs your brand strategy soars

I wish a successful brand strategy was like coming home after a long flight and as you’re walking through the airport terminal pulling your luggage, you see friends, family, customers and clients all lined up, holding signs that say “congratulations, you made it!” and “job well done!” and “your brand rocks!” The reality is that…

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5 signs your brand strategy stinks

5 signs your brand strategy stinks

Many of my branding clients approach me initially because they’re unhappy with their website. “My website needs an update – it’s too vanilla/too corporate/doesn’t represent everything I do and offer.“ But the website is only (probably) the most outwardly visible sign of your brand. Let’s dig a little deeper – and in the words of…

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The 2021 Gift Guide for Visual Thinkers

Is there a creative, visual learner in your life that you’d like to thank, encourage, or support (or maybe that’s you, *wink*)? Here is a curated list of 15 fun and useful gift ideas for all ages, from free to inexpensive to somewhat pricey. The items are categorized into Books, Tech, Tools, and Toys.